New Still Using The Old

A while back I had a post detailing the changing townscape of Le Mars Iowa with two very old buildings, a school and church,  being taken down and a new church going up.  You can read that post here if you are so inclined.

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The work is complet and the new church now stands on the site.  It is much larger structure with more parking and a modern look and feel.  Though it is modern the architecture pays tribute to the gothic style of the previous structure.  This building is orientated on the property differentially to allow for parking and to accommodate a larger building.  As modern as the main is the brick and especially steeple are a wonderful nod to the old building it replaced.

On the inside some of the old pieces were used. The most obvious is the statues, woodwork and alter were refinished with care and used once again.  Re-using these items does give the feeling of bringing the old and new together, and it is such stunning artwork it's good to see it still in use.

Here's a view of the inside using the old gothic style statues and woodwork for the alter.

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So there you have it, full circle, the old and new joined together.


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