Tips for Photographing Fireworks
Tonight after the
parades, barbecues, watermelon, and
various celebrations of the independence of our
country; there will be spectacular fireworks displays everywhere. Capturing
fireworks isn't nearly as difficult as some would think
when you remember a few simple tricks.
Turn off the flash, remember you are taking a photo of light so there is no need to add extra light.

Set your focus to infinity in manual
focus, or on a distant light in auto focus, then switch to manual focus
for the rest of the fireworks show.
Start on Manual with the ISO 100, F10
at 3 seconds.
You will need to adjust your settings
as the fireworks begin to really lock int the perfect settings. The
first ones are usually the least interesting so you have time to get
things the way you like. Settings from 3-8 seconds and F10-16
are usually right in the range. This will allow you to
get multiple burst in each shot.
Remember it is better to be a little under exposed here since once your highlights are blown, they can't be recovered.
Try to fill your frame and remember, the fireworks tend to bigger, and higher the longer the show goes on. Sometimes it is good to fill the frame with just the explosion and trails and other time you want something else in the photo besides the exploding firework to give perspective and set the scene. Take some shots both ways.

There you go that will get you started and you will have some great shots if you take a few moments to get things set up.
Happy 4th of July.